“But what if I don’t like what the architect designs?”

If your architect has truly listened to you during those first discussions about your design brief, then they should be able to deliver a house design that you love and that you are proud to call your home. But we are not all perfect – sometimes things get lost in interpretation, and sometimes your own views may change as your architect introduces new ideas to you.

In that case, you need to be able to tell your architect that you “just don’t like it” and more importantly, give them some feedback on why. Go on – its ok – we don’t bite! That is the nature of the work we do, it is subjective. We are trained to cope with rejection of design ideas and have methods to rework the design or to help you work out exactly what you need so that we get it right in the end. If you are too embarrassed or even afraid to tell your architect what you don’t like, then you are working with the wrong architect!

Part 3 – “It costs so much to make design changes – I’ll just have to go with what they say”